  • 20 Nov 2023
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Article Summary

Queries perform various functions in Slate, such as returning and displaying specific data, creating recipient mailing lists, and building reports in Report Builder. Configurable joins enhance the capabilities of data extraction. A join combines data from multiple tables based on relationships between them and enables you to specify how the related table should be joined to the query base. This increases the flexibility in query building and expands access to the database tables.

In Slate, data about various objects, such as person records, fields, and mailings, are organized and stored in tables, with multiple tables forming a relational database. Relationships between the tables in a Slate database are established through a one-to-many relationship.

Slate databases are collections of tables that are interrelated and store data. The objects often have relationships with each other, such as a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship. The Query Builder provides access to the underlying tables and enables data extraction and manipulation. Some of these query populations present the data in a predetermined manner, such as the Prospects query population, which excludes person records with an Opt-Out tag.

Objects in Slate most commonly relate to one another in one of two ways:

  • One-to-one - This is a relationship where an object on one table can relate to only one object on another table. For instance, each application record can only be related to one person record.

  • One-to-many - This is a relationship where an object on one table can relate to one or more objects on another table. For instance, one person record in the Person table can be related to multiple application records in the Application table

In the below example, we can see a one-to-one join called "Device by Type, Rank" and a one-to-many join called "Devices" (you'll also notice a muted one-to-many icon download.png next to these types of joins):


Appreciating these relations is integral to building a successful query. To learn more about object relations in Slate or joins in Configurable Joins, consider exploring the Configurable Joins Base Explorer tool inside of Database.

Types of Joins

There are three types of joins using Configurable Joins:

Join Type


Can Return

Use Case


  1. Clicking the download__1_.png join button

  2. Selecting a one-to-one join

Up to 1 object

  • Retrieving a single object associated with a record, like the corresponding person record for an application


  1. Clicking the download__1_.png join button

  2. Selecting a one-to-many join



  • Retrieving several objects associated with a record, like all event registrations for a record

Subquery Join

  1. Clicking the subquery button download.png next to the join button download__1_.png

  2. Adding the requisite join(s)

  3. Adding filters and/or sorts

  4. Selecting an overall base

Up to 1 object

  • Retrieving one of many objects associated with a record that is not normally ranked by Slate, such as returning the next upcoming event registration for a record

  • Using an independent subquery to join objects that are not explicitly related

Locations to Add a Join

There are two places to perform a join within a query:

Location Added


Use Case

Main Level

These are joins added at the bottom of your main query/level. These joins will only ever return up to one object, which is why you will almost never want to make a one-to-many join at the main level

  • Filtering for records who have a rank 1 overall address in the United States and exporting the address information using the "Address by Rank Overall" join

  • Exporting information about a records rank 1 high school using the "School by Level of Study, Rank" join

Subquery Export or Subquery Filter

These are joins added inside of a subquery export or subquery filter. Subquery exports and filters allow for one-to-many joins to return more than 1 object

  • Exporting a comma-delimited list of phone numbers for a record

  • Counting the number of applications related to a person record

  • Summing the lifetime giving for a person record


There is almost never a reason to make a one-to-many join at the main level of a query. For instance, if you wanted to exclude records by making a main join from "Person" to "Tags", Slate would randomly retrieve one tag set for that record - that tag may or may not be the "Test Record" tag. In that case, we would use a subquery filter that joins from "Person" to "Tags" so we can look at all tags associated with a person record, like so:

Types & Locations

Combining the above two sections, we can see the relationship between a join's location and its type:

Join Type

Location Added



Main Level

Up to 1 object


Main Level

Up to 1 object

Subquery Join

Main Level

Up to 1 object


Subquery Export or Subquery Filter

Up to 1 object


Subquery Export or Subquery Filter

Up to N objects

Subquery Join

Subquery Export or Subquery Filter

Up to 1 object

Deciding what path to take ultimately depends on what you're looking to accomplish with your query.

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