Capture Higher Ed Integration
  • 28 Nov 2023
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Capture Higher Ed Integration

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Article Summary

Capture Higher Ed uses their Behavioral Intelligence Platform to help institutions reduce their marketing spend per student and increase enrollment. This integration allows institutions to send their prospective student data to Capture and to receive engagement scores back from Capture into Slate.

The standard resources necessary for this integration can all be located within the Research Configuration Library, including:

  • Capture Higher Ed research source: Stores weekly engagement scores sent from Capture

  • Capture Higher Ed: Prospects Export query: Exports selected prospective student data to Capture

  • Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records: Exports to Capture records that have been merged in Slate

  • Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries source format: Imports a daily file from Capture that identifies prospects to upgrade to Inquiry status based on their engagement with Capture campaigns

  • Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates source format: Imports a weekly file from Capture that includes updated engagement scores

  • Capture Higher Ed Service Account: Provides Capture SFTP access to pick up files generated by the Capture Higher Ed data export and to drop off weekly and daily files for import into Slate.

Add the Capture Higher Ed Research Source

All of the elements needed for a seamless integration with Capture are in the Research Configuration Library.

To add the Capture Higher Ed Research Source:

  1. Select Database from the top navigation.

  2. Under Configurations, select Research Configurations. 

  3. From the right-hand navigation, select Library.

  4. Select Capture Higher Ed from the list, under the Admissions folder. 

  5. To the right of the the research source name, click the plus sign icon. Add_Research_Source.png A confirmation popup appears.

  6. Select OK. Use the breadcrumb navigation to return to the Research Configuration Library and see that the Capture Higher Ed research source has been added to your database.

Add Additional Capture Configurations

In addition to the data keys needed for the Capture Higher Ed research source and the prompts associated with those data keys, both of which were added to your database automatically, the Capture Higher Ed research source lets you easily add the following items to your database from one convenient location:

  • The Capture Higher Ed Service Account, which provides access to the SFTP subdirectories: /incoming/capturehighered/, /incoming/processed/capturehighered/, and /outgoing/capturehighered/

    • Note: Do not make any changes to the Capture user account.

  • The data keys needed for the Capture source (included by default)

  • The prompts associated with certain data keys (included by default)

  • A query, formatted to Capture specifications, that can be exported as a comma-separated value (CSV) file

  • Two source formats:

    • Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries

    • Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates

To add these additional elements:

  1. Click the plus sign icon Add_Research_Source.png next to the item. A summary popup appears.
    Note: If you do not see this icon next to the item, you may need to refresh your Slate Template Library resources. This can be accomplished using the refresh the Slate Template Library link on the Database > Slate Template Library page.

  2.  Click Add. 

  3. If the item has a confirmation popup, click OK

Now that the Capture items have been added from the library, use the next section to perform additional configurations.

Create a Capture Higher Ed ID field

Capture Higher Ed sends a 36-character unique ID in its data files that can be used for matching purposes on both sides of the integration. Use the following steps to create this custom, unique for merging field:

  1. Select Database from the top navigation.

  2. Under Records, select Fields.

  3. Select New Field

  4. Create a field with the following settings:
    Scope: Person
    Value: Store Value
    Unique for Merging: Value contains a unique ID which identifies a single record for merging. The ID, name, and tab can configured as desired.


  5. Click Save.

Customize the Capture Query and Schedule for Export

The Capture Export query contains 55 export values, arranged and formatted to specifically comply with the standards needed for a file to be consumed within Capture. However, there are certain customizations that must take place before Capture can process records from your database.

Since many of the data points needed by Capture are stored as custom data points within Slate, there are certain placeholder export values that use Literal values to indicate that they need to be replaced. 

To customize your Capture Export query:

  1. Select Queries from Queries / Reports from the main navigation.

  2. Use the search bar to find and select the query Capture Export

  3. Click Edit Query.

  4. Click Save Copy to make a copy of the query so that you can reference the original, standard query or start over if necessary.

    1. Provide a name and (optionally) select a new folder for the copied query.

    2. Click Copy.  This will direct you to the new query's edit page.

  5. For each Literal export that features the text ** Custom (for example, admit_indicator):

    1. Add a new export to the query that targets the appropriate data point within Slate. Give this export the same name as the literal export with which it corresponds.


      Refer to the table Capture Higher Ed Export Data Points below these steps to learn which Slate data points the Capture exports refer to.

    2. Adjust the order of the export so that it is directly above or below the placeholder export.

    3. Click the X to delete the placeholder export.

  6. Add additional filter criteria to further limit the records sent to Capture. These filters will largely be determined by your institution's processes and target entry term data.

    Note: By default, the query contains filters that include the required data points that Capture needs to process the record. This includes the existence of a permanent or mailing address, name and email address. 

  7. (Optional) Adjust any standard exports to point to custom data points instead, if desired.

    Note: Make sure that the order of the export in the query, the export name, and the export data type remain the same.

  8. Once the query has been finalized, select Schedule Export from the right. The Schedule Export window appears.

  9. Configure the following settings within Schedule Export:
    Note: File format settings, including the Path, Format, Delimiter, Headers, Text Qualifiers, Encoding, and Line Endings have been pre-configured and should not be adjusted. 

    • Status: Active. This will automate the export.

    • Requested Delivery Window (Eastern Time): Set the time of day at which the export should run. Refer to the article Scheduling Exports for more information. 

    • Requested Weekdays: Select the days of the week at which the export should run. Refer to the article Scheduling Exports for more information. 


Capture Higher Ed Export Data Points

Export Name

Data Point



Slate Ref ID

9-digit Slate Ref ID


Slate GUID

36-character uniqueidentifier (used for matching) 


Prospect First Name



Prospect Last Name



Prospect Email



Prospect Address 1



Prospect Address 2



Prospect City



Prospect State

2-character state abbreviation


Prospect ZIP

5-digit ZIP Code


Prospect County



Prospect Country



Prospect Home Phone



Prospect Cell Phone



Prospect Gender

Values: M = Male; F= Female; Other; Blank


Prospect Race/Ethnicity


IPEDs Designations


Date of Birth



Prospect Status

Values: Prospect; Inquiry; Applicant


Suspect/Prospect Indicator

Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Inquiry Indicator

Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Applicant Indicator

Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Admit Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Deposit Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Enroll Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Date of Suspect/Prospect

Timestamp of when the record became a Prospect


Date of Inquiry

Timestamp of when the record became an Inquiry


Date of Application

Timestamp of when the record became an Applicant/application completion


Date of Admission


Date/Timestamp of the Admission decision


Date of Deposit


Date/Timestamp of the Deposit


Date of Enrollment


Date/Timestamp of the Enrollment


Date of First Campus Visit




Cancelled Application Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Withdrawn Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Application Rejected Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Do Not Contact Indicator

Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Counselor Assigned


Internal value or Name


Enrollment Year


4-digit year (e.g., 2021, 2022)


Enrollment Term


String (e.g., Fall)


Intended Major




Student Type




International Indicator


Values: Binary (0 or 1)


Source of Prospect




Recruited Athlete Status




IP Address

List of up to 5 known IP addresses for the record


FAFSA Status




Prospect GPA



Prospect Composite ACT



Prospect Total SAT



SAT Math Score






High School CEEB Code



Parent First Name



Parent Last Name



Parent Email Address



Capture ID


Unique custom field storing the Capture ID (configured above)

 Customize the Merged Records Query

The Merged Records query exports to Capture records that were merged in Slate and uses the query base Duplicate Records. Capture receives the information from this export, consolidates any separate records you have marked as merged in Slate, and will return them to Slate in future data transfers from Capture as a single record.

To use the Merged Records query:

  1. Select Queries from Queries / Reports from the main navigation.

  2. Use the search bar to find and select the query Capture Higher Ed: Merged Records

  3. Click Edit Query.

  4. Click Save Copy to make a copy of the query so that you can reference the original, standard query or start over if necessary.

    1. Provide a name and (optionally) select a new folder for the copied query.

    2. Click Copy.  This will direct you to the new query's edit page.

  5. Double-click the Join Unique Capture Field. Confirm that the ID in the Field filter matches the field ID your institution uses to store the Capture Higher Ed ID.

    NOTE: If your institution does not import Capture Higher Ed IDs, this join and filter are unnecessary. See instructions below to deactivate the filter.
    If the ID does not match your Capture Higher Ed ID, edit the filter and update the ID.

  6. Click Schedule Export.

  7. Set the Status to Active. All remaining settings are preconfigured and can remain as they are.

  8. Click Save.


Do not change the order of exports.

Deactivating the Filter

If your institution does not import Capture Higher Ed IDs:

  1. Delete the filter Duplicate Records with Capture ID / Status.

  2. Delete the join Duplicate Records with Capture ID.

With these items deleted, the query includes IDs of all merged records in the data feed.

Configure the Remap Settings for the Source Formats

Once a file has been received from Capture Higher Ed for each of the source formats, the Remap settings must be configured and then activated:

  1. Select Database from the top navigation.

  2. Under Import, select Source Formats.

  3. From the list, select either Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates or Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries.

  4. Select Remap to view the standard, pre-mapped Slate destinations and update the settings according to your institution's needs. Refer to the Source Formats section for additional details on configuring source formats.
    Remember to map the Capture ID to the custom unique field created earlier.
    Note: The Capture Higher Ed: New Inquiries source format is pre-configured to match onto a record and update its status to Inquiry (if the status is not already Inquiry or higher).
    Capture Higher Ed: Weekly Updates source format is pre-configured to store the weekly data, including engagement metrics and the calculated Capture Engagement Score (CES) and Capture Affinity Index (CAI) as timestamped Capture Higher Ed research data; Like the New Inquiries source format, this source format is also configured to upgrade a prospect's status to Inquiry if it is identified as such in the file.

  5. Once you are satisfied with the Remap settings, navigate back to the source format's landing page.

  6. Select Edit from the upper right.

  7. Update Remap Active, to Active.

  8. Repeat for the other Capture source format.

Configure the Integration with Capture Higher Ed

If you are interested in learning more about the integration between Slate and Capture Higher Ed, please request more information at [email protected]
You will need to provide the username for the Capture Higher Ed Service Account so that they can configure the integration on their end.  This can be found using the following steps:
Note: Do not make any adjustments to the service account, as it has been pre-configured with all necessary  settings for the integration.

  1. Select Database from the top navigation.

  2. Select User Permissions.

  3. Select the Capture Higher Ed Service Account from the list of users.

  4. Select the Roles tab.

  5. The Username is found in the SFTP Access section.
    Username within SFTP Access section

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