Relationship Records
  • 17 Nov 2023
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Relationship Records

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Article Summary

Person records can store information on various associated relationships (such as siblings, parents, and  spouses), which exist as relationship records. Relationship records maintain much of the functionality that person records do, storing interactions, contact information, and data in custom, relationship-scoped fields grouped together in the same row, for instance.

Access Relationship Data

Relationships and their associated data may be viewed and edited through either person's Person record,  or by using a query.

Via the Profile Tab of a Person Record

  1. Click the Relationships tab in the right pane under Overview.

  2. A new relationship can be added administratively by clicking on 'New Relationship', which displays a pop-up screen such as the following:


Via a Query

  1. Click Queries / Reports in the top navigation bar.

  2. Select the base of Slate Template Library - Relationships (if this base has been added locally, a base called "Relationships" may be available as well).

  3. Select any applicable exports and filters.

Why do I see a different number of rows in my relationship-scoped query compared to my person-scoped or application-scoped query?

Keep in mind that a relationship-scoped query will result in one row per relationship that meets the filter criteria. Depending on the query base that is used, the queries will very likely have a different number of resulting rows, even if their filter criteria are identical.

Mapping to Relationship Fields in Form / Events

Relationship data can be collected on person-scoped or application-scoped forms. It is recommended to begin storing relationship data at the applicant stage, where more comprehensive data is collected.

When collecting relationship data in this way, note the following:

  • In a person-scoped or application-scoped form, map fields to the following Relationship system field categories:

    • Relationship: Fields related to relationship details, including custom relation-scoped fields

    • Relationship Job: Relation job information

    • Relationship School: Relation school information

  • Similar to other data types (such as Interests, Sports, and Schools), if data for multiple relationships is collected on the same form, it is important to add a form section break between each set of fields and use the form field group setting, so that the relationship form fields do not overwrite one another when the form is submitted. Make sure that the first set of relationship fields before the section break all share the same group number and the second set of relationship fields after the section break have a different shared group number.


Relationship records are able to match onto existing records only if the relationship type matches (along with the first name and last name), so any sources, including forms, that do not include a relationship type can cause relationship record duplication.

 Why isn't my person-scoped form updating the relation data on an applicant record?

Active applications can prevent Slate from adding new relation data to person records. By default, all forms (that are not application, application creation, or reader-scoped) are treated as "Safe," meaning that, if an application in an active period exists for a record, fields configured as Safe on that record won't be updated by safe source imports or a safe form submissions.

To override safe behavior on all fields within a form:

  1. In your form, select Edit Properties.

  2. Select Unsafe.

  3. Select Save.

To override safe behavior for only specific fields:

  1. In your form, double click a field to open the Edit Field popup.

  2. Select Unsafe Override.


  3. Select Save.

Learn more about how safe and unsafe behavior can affect your records here.

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