  • 17 Nov 2023
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Article Summary

Interactions between Admissions offices and prospective students are tracked both within Slate and externally. For example, a prospective student might fill out a Request Information form or sign up for a campus visit using forms built in Slate. Additionally, a prospective student might receive a viewbook mailing or make a phone call to the office.

User Experience

All of the interactions within Slate, including form communication emails, are automatically captured and stored on the Interactions tab. For example:


  • Message - Created when a form communication email was sent to student after submitting the Request Information form

  • Source - Created when student filled out and submitted the Request Information form

As students continue to interact with the admissions office, additional interactions and messages will populate on this tab:


Message and Source are two standard interaction codes that automatically populate the Interactions tab.


A Message interaction is automatically added to the student record when the following communications are sent:

  • Form communications

  • Event communications

  • Interview communications

  • Deliver email messages

  • Ad-hoc messages sent through Slate or the Slate Email Gateway

For example, a prospective student who submits multiple event registration forms will have Message interactions for each of the event communications that were sent:



A Source Code interaction is automatically added to the student record for the following items:

  • Form registration

  • Event registration

  • Interview registration

  • Source file import from Upload Dataset

  • Application creation

For example, a student who submits multiple forms and also has had data imported into Slate from Upload Dataset may have a record with the following Source interactions:


  • These items were added to the record through Upload Dataset.

  • When a student cancels their visit, the Source code interaction remains on the record, but it displays in lighter text.

  • The name of the Slate user who updated the registration status for this event appears in the User/Status column.

  • Click a Source interaction to view information related to that source. For example, event registration interactions will display the registration form responses.

Event Registration Status

The Event registration status appears in the subject of the interaction row. For example, when a prospective student originally registers for an event, the status of that event registration is Registered. If the registration is cancelled, the status updates to Cancelled. If the prospective student attends and is checked-in for the event, the status changes to Attend. If the prospective student does not attend and is marked as a No Show, the status then changes to No Show.

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