School-Scoped Checklists
  • 13 Mar 2024
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School-Scoped Checklists

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Article Summary

School-scoped items in Slate are great to use when customizing your process as it relates to schools associated with a person. Items that can be school-scoped are:

  • Materials

  • Checklists

Additionally, school-scoped checklist items allow for unique action items within the Rules Editor.

School-scoped materials are any material that should be tied to a specific school on a person's record. Most commonly these school-scoped items will be transcript-related and will be the primary focus. Two such school-scoped materials come standard with Slate:

  • Transcript (Copy)

  • Transcript (Official)

Each of these material's keys begin with "sys:"' and have specialized back-end functionality in Slate, which will be covered in the coming sections.

Additional school-scoped materials (such as a mid-year transcript or a final transcript) that are more tailored to a process can be created to add or replace the Slate standard materials.


If your process relies only on the related functionality associated with the Slate standard materials of Transcript (Official) and Transcript (Copy), creating custom school-scoped materials is not necessary.

Partners should not create custom school-scoped materials that begin with a key of "sys:". This will not provide the same inherent functionality included with the standard Transcript (Copy) and Transcript (Official) materials.

Note: Each custom material key should be unique.

School-Scoped Checklists Requirements

Standard Transcript Functionality

Slate's inherent functionality is to auto-generate school-specific transcript checklist items for every school on a person's record. Additionally, school data collected via the Slate application will always include level of study, as it is a required field on the 'academic history' page. These auto-generated school-specific transcript checklist items will display in the following format on an applicant's application checklist: Transcript (School Name).

These auto-generated checklist items correspond to the system (sys:transcript) materials mentioned earlier. For additional detailed information on Slate's standard transcript functionality, see this portion of our Checklists article. It is highly recommended that partners understand this functionality before creating custom school-scoped checklist items and rules.

Custom Functionality and Creating School-Scoped Checklist Items

Partner processes may call for a more nuanced approach to collecting transcripts. This can be accomplished by creating custom school-scoped checklist items. To create school-scoped checklist items, follow these instructions:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Checklists.

  2. Select Insert.

  3. Enter the following setting configurations in the dialog box:

    • Status : Set to Active.

    • Folder: Keep your records organized by putting them in a folder. Select Other to create a new folder.

    • Scope: Set to School.

    • Section: If the checklist item corresponds to a school-scoped material, set this to Material

    • Subject: The subject is applicant facing and the school name automatically appears in parentheses after the subject. For example, if the new checklist item is called "College Transcript" and the associated school is "Slate University,"' the checklist item is "College Transcript (Slate University)."

    • URL: If the checklist item has a related URL (such as a form URL), list it here.

    • Key: Key is not a required field for checklist items.

    • Order: If the item should display in a particular order, provide an order number here.

    • Material Fulfillment (#1-5): Select the appropriate school-scoped material that can fulfill this school-scoped checklist item. Up to five different materials can be selected to fulfill each checklist item.

    • Material Fulfillment Rank: Leave blank unless multiple checklist items can be fulfilled by the same material. For more information on this, see our article on Checklists.

    • Test Fulfillment (#1-3): Leave blank.

    • Form Fulfillment: Leave blank.

    • XML Configuration: Leave blank.

    • Type: If the applicant should see the checklist item on their checklist, set this to Public. If this checklist item should only be seen internally by administrative staff, set to Private (internal only).

    • Optional: If a checklist item is optional (that is, not required for an applicant to move forward in the review process), leave this set to Optional. If the checklist item is critical for the review process, set this to Required

    • Optional for Reading: If a checklist item is optional for the reading process, leave this set to Optional for Reading. If the checklist item is required for the reading process, set this to Required for Reading

    • Export Key: If a value is needed or required for an external SIS, enter a value here.

Click the Slate Scholar Lightbulb    in the top left corner for a complete listing of all setting descriptions.


If these new school-scoped materials and checklist items will work in conjunction with Slate's auto-generated school-specific checklist functionality, then proceed to the checklist rules. 

However, be aware that if Slate's auto-generated functionality is not disabled, partners will likely have multiple school-scoped checklist items on an applicant's checklist. For instance, if auto-generated items are not disabled, and a new school-scoped checklist item of "Final Transcript" were created, and a school with a level of study also existed on a person's record (such as "Slate University"), that person's application checklist would display: 

  1. Transcript (Slate University)

  2. Final Transcript (Slate University)

For detailed information on how to disable Slate's standard transcript functionality, refer to the appropriate section of the Special Use Only Checklist Items knowledge base article.

 Material Fulfillment

Only school-scoped materials can fulfill school-scoped checklist items. That is, once a checklist item is set to school-scoped, only school-scoped materials may be selected in the material fulfillment drop down settings. 

If a partner has created any new school-scoped materials these will display as selectable options in addition to Slate's standard Transcript (Copy) and Transcript (Official) materials. If no new school-scoped materials have been created, feel free to defer to either of Slate's standard transcript school-scoped materials as fulfillment options.

Lastly, if both materials (Transcript (Copy) and Transcript (Official)) are selected as items for material fulfillment, once one of these is present for a specific school on a person's record, the associated school-scoped checklist item will check off as "received." It's best to think of there being an "OR" condition  between each material fulfillment option.

Creating Checklist Rules

Once custom materials and checklist items are created, the next step is to create a rule to define which population should be assigned the checklist items.  Assuming the checklists are scoped appropriately, the actions section presents new options when a school-scoped checklist item is selected:



Level of Study Restriction

If an item should only be added to an applicant's checklist when a school of a particular level of study exists, set that restriction here. For example, if the item should only be added to a checklist when schools with a level of study of "high school" are provided, then select high school for this setting. (See the important note below.)

Limit by Degree

If an item should only be added when an applicant adds a school with a degree, select Schools with a degree only. If the item should be added regardless of whether a degree is provided or not, select All degrees (including no degree).

Degree Restriction

Only appears when Limit by Degree is set to Schools with a degree only. In this setting, set the particular degree restriction. If any degree is acceptable, set to School has any degree. However, if a specific degree is required, select the corresponding degree from the list. For example, if the item should only be added for schools where a Bachelors Degree was earned, select Bachelors Degree from the list. (Again, see the important note below.)

Rank Restriction

If an item should be added only when schools of a certain rank are provided, set that restriction here. Options include: schools of any rank, rank 1 overall school only, and rank 1 schools only.


Filtering by specific degree types as well as school levels of study in checklist rules is not possible unless prompt values for those items have been created in a partner's instance. There must be at least one prompt item associated with the following prompt keys:

  • degree: Adding a prompt with the key of degree (for example, key: degree, value: Bachelors Degree) make it possible to filter on the degree of bachelors degree, and so on.

  • school_type: Adding a prompt with the key of school_type (for example, key: school_type, value: High School) make it possible to filter on the level of study of high school.

For more information on how to create prompts, refer to the Fields and Prompts article.

  What does each part of a school-scoped checklist item rule focus on?

  • Action: Looks at the schools table

  • Filters: Looks at the applicant record

Consequently, if a checklist item should only show for applicants in the "Transfer" round (Round Key: TR), consider adding the filter of "Round Key IN TR."

Set Rules to Active

Create rules in a production environment first, but leave them set to Preview. Then, refresh the test environment to copy over any newly-created rules. Once new rules have been copied over to the test environment, set them to Active there and begin testing. Once rules have thoroughly been tested in the test environment, replicate any changes to these rules in the production environment and switch their statuses to Active.

Additionally, it may be beneficial to run a retroactive refresh on records to ensure that the proper checklist items are assigned to the appropriate applicant records.

School-Scoped Checklist Rules Examples


Disabled auto-generated school-specific transcript checklist items:  All rule examples below assume that the Slate standard auto-generated school-specific transcript items have been disabled.

High School Transcript

For partners who wish to add a school-scoped checklist item of "High School Transcript" to every applicant record listing a school with a level of study of "high school" (with no degree or rank restrictions):

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: Add High School Transcript to Checklist

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Checklist

  4. Select Save.

Configure the appropriate action:




Material - High School Transcript

Level of Study Restriction

High School

Limit by Degree

All degrees (including no degree)

Rank Restriction

Schools of any rank

Use: By creating the rule above, every applicant who provides a school with a level of study of "high school" receives the following item on their checklist:

  • High School Transcript (School Name)

Transcripts from Undergraduate Transfer Applicants

This option is for partners who require school-specific "transcript" checklist items from transfer applicants (Round Key: TR) for schools on their records with a level of study of "undergraduate":

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: School Specific Transcripts for UG Transfer Applicants

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Checklist

  4. Select Save.

Configure the appropriate action:




Material - Transcript

Level of Study Restriction


Limit by Degree

All degrees (including no degree)

Rank Restriction

Schools of any rank

Filter: In order to have this rule apply to Transfer applicants only, a filter of "Round Key IN TR" would be needed, assuming that a Transfer Round with a key of TR existed in a partner's instance. 

Use: The rule above would add a school-specific checklist item (structured Transcript (School Name)) for every applicant in the "TR" application round who provides a school with a level of study of "undergraduate."

This Transcript (School Name) checklist item would be generated for each school with a level "undergraduate." For example, if an applicant in the "TR" application round listed two schools as "undergraduate" (for example, "Slate University" and "School of Rock"), the following checklist items would be generated:

  • Transcript (Slate University)

  • Transcript (School of Rock)

Transcripts from Graduate Applicants (Shared Slate Instance)

This option is for partners with a shared database (for example, graduate and undergraduate). In this example, undergraduate applications do not require school-specific transcripts, but graduate applicants (Round Key: GR) are required to provide school-specific transcripts for every school listed on their application. 

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: School Specific Transcripts for Graduate Applicants

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Checklist

  4. Select Save.

Configure the appropriate action:




Material - Transcript

Level of Study Restriction

All levels of study

Limit by Degree

All degrees (including no degree)

Rank Restriction

Schools of any rank

Filter: "Round Key IN GR"

Use: By filtering on the specific graduate round key (GR), the school-scoped material of "Transcript" would be added for every school (no restrictions) added to applicants in the graduate round. No school-scoped checklist item rule is necessary for undergraduate applicants since transcripts are not required of them in this instance.

Rank 1 Overall Schools

This option is for Slate partners who only require school-specific "transcript" checklist items for the "rank 1 overall" school:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: Add Transcript

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Checklist

  4. Select Save.

Configure the appropriate action:




Material - Transcript

Level of Study Restriction

All levels of study

Limit by Degree

All degrees (including no degree)

Rank Restriction

Rank 1 Overall school only

Use: In this instance, only one Transcript (School Name) checklist item would be created for each applicant, and this checklist item would correspond to the "rank 1 overall" school on the applicant's record. For more information on the determination of ranks, see the article covering Determination of Table Ranks.

Official Transcripts from Admitted Applicants

This option is for Slate partners who collect official transcripts from admitted students.

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Rules Editor.

  2. Select New Rule.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Name: Official Transcripts for Admitted Applicants

    • Population: Applications

    • Type: Checklist

    • Trigger: Upon Update (Deferred)

    • Folder: Checklist

  4. Select Save.

Configure the appropriate filters:

  • Application Period Active - Returns applications that are in an active or inactive period.

Decision (released with dates) = Decision IN Admit; 
Start Released Date (optional)=; End Released Date (optional)=

Configure the appropriate action:




Material - Official Transcript

Level of Study Restriction

All levels of study

Limit by Degree

All degrees (including no degree)

Rank Restriction

Schools of any rank

Use: In this instance, only applicants who have a released decision IN "Admit" on their record would receive additional checklist items. These items would be generated for every school listed with a level of study. These checklist items would appear like:

  • Official Transcript (School Name)

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