Personal Message to Recommenders
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Personal Message to Recommenders

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Article Summary

Partner institutions can enable applicants to enter a personalized message in the Slate-hosted application that can be included in the email notification recommenders receive, and will display to their recommenders on the recommendation form. The message is entered and can be customized for each recommender the applicant adds to provide context for the recommendation, and a personal touch.

Enable Custom Message for Recommender

The custom message for recommenders can be enabled or disabled in the Application Editor.

  1. Select Database on the Slate navigation bar and in the Applications section, select Application Editor.

  2. Choose the appropriate /apply/ link for the application base in which the custom message will be enabled. NOTE: If only one application base exists, the only link that will appear will be /apply/.

  3. Select the data row labeled "ref" to access the configurations for the recommendations page.

  4. Select General Settings.

  5. Enter the following configurations:

    • Enable Personal Message from Applicant: Set to "Enabled" or "Enable with Custom Label" to activate this feature in the Slate-hosted application.

    • Personal Message from Applicant Help (optional): Enter any help text that should appear to assist applicants.

  6. Click Save.

Applicant Experience

When adding a Recommender via the 'Add Recommender' widget in the Slate-hosted application, the applicant will have the option to add a custom message to the recommender:

Recommender Experience

Any text that an applicant enters can be merged into the automatic system mailing that notifies the recommender of the recommendation request using the merge field 'personal_message.' The text will also appear at the top of the recommendation form the recommender is requested to complete:


In addition to being available as a merge field in the automatic system email, the custom message is available as a data point that can be exported and will also be displayed on the Auto PDF of the recommendation in the Reader. 

Configure System Email (Optional)

If the custom message is enabled in the application, the automatic system email will need liquid markup to account for applicants who may not wish to include a personal message. For information on liquid markup, please review Liquid Markup & Conditional Logic.

Note: This example includes two single-quote characters immediately before the second % character. While it looks like a double-quote character, it is in fact, two single-quotes characters together (actually an empty string surrounded by single quotes). If desired, you can copy the following code to paste into your message:

{% if {{personal_message}} != null and {{personal_message}} != ''%} 
Personal Message from {{first}}:

{{personal_message}}|{% endif %}

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