Importing Data and Documents from EAB/Royall
  • 16 Nov 2023
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Importing Data and Documents from EAB/Royall

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Article Summary

Royall generates data files daily through an automated process. Once downloaded, these files are automatically loaded into Upload Dataset in Slate.

The data and file import processes are very similar to importing data from The Common Application, so you will find it beneficial to review the concepts outlined in the documentation covering The Common Application, including how to configure remap settings in Format Definitions, how to import data that creates an application, how to append values so that they can be pre-mapped, and how to test your mappings before loading data into your production instance.

Your institution can manually add all source formats to your instance from the Source Format Library. As with other standard source formats, you are encouraged to customize the mappings to meet your needs; however, you must map the Royall ID source field to an app-scoped Royall ID in Slate.

If you are using the automated process (which is highly encouraged), complete the following steps to use the Slate automated Royall process:


Mapping the application-scoped Royall ID is required. Data and documents may not be imported correctly if this field is not mapped. Additionally, all files delivered by EAB to the root incoming/EAB SFTP folder will be associated with the Royall App Responder source format and imported. Use a subfolder in the root directory if you receive other files from EAB for other processes.

Source Formats

There are five source formats for the Royall import process:

Source Format



The search responder file contains inquiry data about students who have responded to Royall. In addition to biographical data, this file includes contact information, demographic, school, and academic interest information, enabling you to communicate with these potential applicants before submitting the application.


The file contains data about the Royall applicant and application-specific details. You will use this file to create the application in Slate, so review Round Mapping in the Setup Mappings: Static Value Round Mapping. You can also create a Deliver message sent to applicants once the application is received. The Make an Application Received Deliver Campaign of the Importing Data from the Common App documentation includes steps to do so.


This source format provides translations between the document types associated with PDF documents and your custom materials in Slate. It is not used to import any data. Be sure to review CommonAppMaterials Source Format The Common Application Materials, as the only difference here will be the keys you see on the Value Mappings page.


This file contains payment data for applicants that have paid the application fee. This is an optional import.

Royall Deposit IQ

This tab-delimited file contains data from the Royall Deposit IQ surveying, data analysis, and reporting that provides visibility into accepted students’ intentions. This is an optional import.

Getting Started

  1. Create an application-scoped Field.

    • ID - Give the field an ID of 'royall_id'.

    • Name - Give the field the name of 'Royall ID'.

  2. Add the Royall App Responder source format from the Source Format Library.

    • The import path/mask has been preset.

    • Keep the Remap Active flag for the source format set to Inactive.

  3. Royall must set up the automation configuration, including creating a new SFTP folder for your institution. Royall will notify Technolutions when the configuration is complete. Technolutions will complete the configuration setup to retrieve the files from the Royall FTP site.
    The application files should have a name consistent with the names they are sending for other Slate schools schoolCODE_App_YYYYMMDD.txt .


The RoyallAppMaterials source format allows selecting the specific materials that the file types should be saved as in Slate. Since this is not a data feed, you will not see records appearing for this source format.

  1. Add the Royall App Materials source format from the Source Format Library.

  2. Once added, select the Remap link.

  3. Complete the material mapping to map the Royall materials to the associated materials in Slate.

  4. The Slate Royall script reads the file name to find the Royall ID and material and matches it to the record based on the application-scoped Royall ID created above and the material translations.

The PDF files also follow a standard naming convention such as Batch_MM_DD_YYY!FNAME_LNAME_ROYALLID_A - Application for Admission.pdf - the PDFs are extracted from a zip file before the PDFs are processed.


Materials are imported to records based on the application-scoped, custom field with an ID of "royall_id." If this field does not contain the Royall ID or the field ID has been changed, materials will not import.

Before mapping the Royall App Materials source format, you must create materials in Slate. Add materials through the Database module under the Materials link.

Do not modify any of the default Format Definition or Import Automation settings. For example, the "Import Path/Mask" field should remain blank for this source format to function properly.

Remap the RoyallApp Materials File

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Format Definitions.

  2. Find the RoyallAppMaterials source format and select Remap to confirm destinations and to set up additional data mappings for this Source Format.

  3. After selecting the Remap link, go to the Value Mappings page (The RoyallApp Materials source format does not contain data points to map. You must configure Material type translations).

Set Up Mappings

Specify the material destination value in Slate for the types of Royall Application PDFs. We recommend setting up Royall App materials in a one-to-one relationship with a distinct material type in Slate.

There is no way to refresh previously uploaded documents retroactively; they will continue to be associated with the original material type.


You can consolidate some Royall App materials into one material type in Slate. For example, various Royall App Materials could be categorized as Transcript in Slate. However, if mappings are changed later, there is no way to refresh this retroactively.

Not Seeing These Materials on Student Records?

If you are not seeing PDF materials appear for your applicant records in Slate, check if you have mapped to a Slate material.

Additionally, Royall App Materials will only begin to display once the RoyallApp file (the applications file) has been activated and created an application for a record. It is not uncommon for materials to arrive in your Slate instance before the RoyallApp application data arrives. As soon as the application associated with a material has been created, the material import process will associate those materials with the application.

What if I forget to map?

Unmapped documents sit in a queue. If you map an additional file type to a Slate material, those documents will come into Slate during the next material import process.

Royall Search Responder Files

If you are receiving the Royall Search Responder files using the Slate Automated process as well:

  1. Add the RoyallSearchResponder source format from the Source Format Library.

  2. Upload a test or production data file.

  3. Select the Remap link.

  4. Complete the field and value mapping.

The Royall FTP script connects to the Royall FTP site, retrieves the available files, and then downloads them to the incoming\royall folder. The files are then processed, and the processed files are moved into incoming\processed\royall folder.

Royall Deposit IQ Field

If you are receiving the Royall Deposit IQ files using the Slate automated process as well:

  1. Add the Royall Deposit IQ format from the Source Format Library.

  2. Upload a test or production data file.

  3. Select the Remap link.

  4. Complete the field and value mapping.

The Royall FTP script connects to the Royall FTP site, retrieves the available files, and downloads them to the incoming\royall folder. The files are then processed, and the processed files are moved into incoming\processed\royall folder.

Testing the Remap Settings

When satisfied with your mappings, launch (or refresh) your test instance and activate the RoyallSearchResponder, RoyallAppResponder, Royall Deposit IQ, and/or RoyallPayment source formats in that environment (by updating the Remap Active setting to Active in the Source Formats tool). If you need to make updates, make those changes in production, refresh the test environment, and try again. If everything imports as expected, activate the source formats in production. 

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