Custom Application Pages Overview
  • 13 Mar 2024
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Custom Application Pages Overview

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Article Summary

Custom application pages (such as non-standard application pages) are created using the Form Builder and used in the Slate-hosted application to collect data mapped to custom application-scoped fields. Data points such as application type, entry term, intended major, and others that are not included on the standard application pages can be collected on a custom application form. Additionally, custom application pages can also be used to display instructional text, or to allow applicants to upload materials such as essays and resumes within the application.

Custom application page forms have a scope of Slate-Hosted Application Page, which enables them to be added to the Slate application via the Application Editor. Additionally, custom application pages support form-based conditional logic as well as prompt conditions.

Configurable Joins

The enhanced functionality of the Slate-Hosted Application is best compatible with Configurable Joins. If you have not yet enabled Configurable Joins on Forms/Events (Database > Configuration Keys > Early Access Features), you won't have full functional ability to replicate the standard application pages with custom ones. Be sure to enable Configurable Joins on Forms/Events prior to creating your Slate-Hosted Application pages as if they are enabled after the pages are built, there is no way to retroactively replace the Slate Template Library filters on the form with Configurable Joins; the form would have to be rebuilt entirely.

Making a Custom Application Page

Use Form Builder to create custom application pages (such as non-standard application pages).

  1. Select Forms on the top navigation bar.

  2. Select New Form.

  3. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Page Title: The page title will display to an applicant as the name of the page.

    • Folder: Keep organized by saving custom application pages within a clear folder structure.

    • Status: Set the Status to Confirmed/Active.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Select Edit Form in the right-side pane to begin building questions for the custom application page.

  6. Select Edit Properties in the right-side pane.

  7. Set the scope to Slate-Hosted Application Page. This scope will allow this form to be embedded into a Slate application.

  8. Remove all of the default standard fields on this page. (These fields are already captured on the Slate delivered Personal Background page in the Slate-hosted application.)

  9. Add the desired fields and instructional text to the form.


Custom application pages support conditional logic! Fields can be displayed conditionally based round, a field value, or a response on the form itself. Prompt conditions can be applied to fields to display prompts based on specified criteria.

Setting the scope

Before adding questions to the new form, be sure to set the scope of the form to Slate-Hosted Application Page. Setting this scope enables the page to be embedded as a custom application page in the Slate-hosted application.

A field should only be added once to your custom application page form or within the application itself. Adding the same field more than once can cause data anomalies and potential data loss.

Do not configure fields on a custom application page as Required. This setting is not enforced on forms with an application-page scope. For more information on application submission requirements please refer to the Submission Requirements documentation.

Adding Custom Pages to the Slate Application

Use the Application Editor to add custom application pages built in Form Builder to the Slate-hosted application:

  1. Select Database on the top navigation bar and select Application Editor.

  2. Select the application configuration to which the custom application page will be added (for example, /apply/ or /apply/GR/).

  3. Select Edit Menu to manage the pages in the application.

  4. Select Add Link in the Edit Menu dialog box.

  5. Enter the following configurations in the dialog box:

    • Type: Select Custom Form Page.

    • Subtype: Select the application-page scoped form to be added to the application.

    • Label: Give the new page a label. The label will display on the navigation menu of the application (for example, "Program of Study").

  6. Select Save.

The custom application page will then appear as the last page in the menu. 

Reorder the page to its desired location in the application navigation by dragging and dropping the page in the menu.


To use the new application page created in Form Builder, select the type of Custom Form Page.

Note: The Custom App Page type is reserved for special use only pages which have largely been deprecated and should be avoided moving forward. This functionality has since been replaced with custom forms via Form Builder.

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