Require Relationship Data
  • 13 Nov 2023
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Require Relationship Data

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Article Summary

Application logic, including hard and soft fails, ensure applicants enter all necessary data prior to submitting an application.

Require at Least One Parent/Guardian

Your process may call for applicants to provide you with relational data. This hard fail requires an applicant to provide a relation type of mother, father, parent, stepmother, stepfather, or legal guardian.

  1. Type - Submission Requirement

  2. Section: Custom Application Page, which will begin as "frm?"

  3. Name - Provide the text that will display when the applicant is missing information.

  4. Warning -Select Hard Fail.

  5. Base - Configurable Joins - Application

  6. Filters - Create a Subquery Filter (Aggregate - Not Exists) for the field that should have a value saved.

  Try a Slate Example!

Use Suitcase to import the example (and others in this section) in this article into your institution's database. These examples are also featured in the Clean Slate Showcase environment.

Using Testing Queries

Before you commit to using the application logic records, try a testing query by importing the Suitcase link in the second tab. These queries recreate the application logic records, taking advantage of the Query Builder's Preview Results function to ensure the records that should be receiving the hard or soft fails appear. If you only use the application logic records, you'll only see the number of records affected.

Application Logic Suitcase ID


Testing Queries Suitcase ID


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